chelsea to soho Being outside for most of yesterday made it incredibly easy to fall into a deep relaxing sleep. Now if only I could keep spending as much time outside all summer as I did yesterday things would be great, but I don't really see that happening. What I mean to say is that I was outside today, but it wasn't quite the same. Instead of lugging things around, I was pretty stationary in my chair reading guidebooks. Some things about my upcoming trip are definitely fixed. For example, I know that my starting point and final departure point are the same place, London. After getting numerous quotes that were hundreds of dollars more, London sounded like a good place to fly into first. Besides from London the continent is a quick Chunnel ride away. Actually from what I have read there is an option that goes straight from London to Paris in three hours. My brother and I will certainly be moving, but that may or may not be that bad of a thing. I have no idea what my actual reaction to Europe will be so maybe being constantly on the move will keep it positive. Plus the more that we see, the higher the chance that we'll find something that we like. On the other hand I might be completely exhausted when I get back home and feel like I saw nothing. Somehow I doubt that that will happen though. I might be a little overwhelmed, but I doubt that I will be disappointed. After seeing an ad for some lawn chairs earlier this week, I went out and bought two this afternoon. I opted for the canvas sling style complete with pillow. From past experience I was never very fond of the old kind that used webbing straps for the seat. They always seemed to be fraying or people were putting a foot through them or something just as awkward. The kind made of plastic tubing was even worse with their less than pleasant ability to double as solar collectors. The simple truth is that hot vinyl and bare skin do not go together. Or to put it another way, relaxing in the sun on a summer afternoon should not become a sadistic exercise. I'm not talking about sunburn either. As to why I never invested in lawn furniture before now, I have no idea. More than likely it probably wasn't that high on my list of priorities. Besides I didn't mind dragging my director's chair out onto the porch or just lying down on a towel. Both of those solutions worked well enough. I must be getting more and more soft in my old age. First I abandon my futon for a real bed and now I'm buying lawn furniture. The next thing that I know I'll be driving a mini-van for some silly reason.