Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


price of gasoline

I came very close to sleeping my entire Sunday away. In fact I didn't get out of bed until nine at night, but this didn't bother me too much since I needed the sleep. The best part is that while I slept the temperature outside droppped so much that by the time that I did get out of bed I could open the windows in my house. As much as I like the comfort of air conditioning, being able to have some fresh air in the house is even better.


For weeks now there has been a very hot topic on the local news that I haven't mentioned here yet. It seems that Milwaukee has the distinction of having some of the highest gas prices in the nation. At the moment we have gas prices in excess of two dollars and the rise in cost doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon. Thanks to the mandatory use of reformulated gas we will probably keep this unwanted place of honor.

I'll admit that the price does bother me, but at the same time it really hasn't stopped my from driving either. I still have to get to work and the thought of me using my bicycle instead is a little ambitious on my part. Not only would it make my commute that much longer, but I would have to shower again once I got there. Then there is the whole other issue of being on a bicycle at night that bothers me a little. Maybe this makes me lazy, but I haven't exactly made any attempts to try it either.

The most interesting part of this whole issue is that even though the price is so high now, once inflation is factored into the equation it is still lower than it was in during the gas crisis back in the 1970's.


I had a dream that my brother changed his mind about going to Europe with me. At first I thought that I had someone else in mind that could take his place, but in reality I have no idea what I would do if he backed out on me. The odds of me finding someone who could just take three weeks off to go to Europe on such short notice would be nigh to impossible. I guess that I would have to go by myself and do the best that I could. I mean I do have everything planned out anyway.

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