go go boots On Wednesday morning, Donna surprised me not once but twice at work. The first surprise was that she came in fifteen minutes early. Usually we place bets on as to how late she is going to be in the morning, however, when we expressed our concern about her being early she seemed puzzled. She even said that it isn't as though she has a habit of being late. I guess that our perception and hers must differ or she uses a different clock than us. The second surprise was what she was wearing on her feet. She was wearing a pair of red leather boots that seemed out of place in a professional environment. Seeing them prompted me to launch into my best rendition of these boots are made for walking and they're going to walk right over you. Naturally this reference went right over her head. She had no idea what I meant and I was amazed at how someone can be so oblivious to pop culture. Yes, I realize that the song came out decades ago, but I know that I've seen it at least once or twice on MTV or parodied countless times elsewhere. ... After a second day of discussing The Turn of the Screw, I have to say that I've changed my mind. At first I was a little put off by the style of writing, but now I can see what Henry James was trying to do. He may not be as modern as I would like, but he does manage to convey how a person thinks. As to whether or not I'll get around to reading any of his novels is another story. A Portrait of a Lady made a good film, but something tells me that the prose might move at an even slower pace than the film did at times. Walking to class I saw J Crew girl sitting outside on the step finishing a smoke. I briefly pondered sitting down to talk, but decided against it. I always have next week to say something to her and test the waters for a sign of personality. Then again her smoking does kind of go against my whole image of her as a clean cut J Crew girl. ... Some of my recent talk of traveling to more exotic places comes from getting a recent brochure in the mail. About a month ago I had asked for a number of travel agencies to send me their literature and they are slowing starting to arrive. A few weeks back I got one about Finland, which was pleasant enough, but this week I got one with hiking expeditions in Nepal and other places in the Far East. Now this might not be fair to say, but Finland does not compare to Nepal or the Mustang region in the Himalayas.