Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


freud on dreams

I still find it hard to believe that it is October already. Oh, the trees have been changing color for a while now, but it does seem rather sudden in some ways. Then again being away for most of the month of July did speed up the summer season for me a little.

What it is even more bothersome is that the possibility of snow gets more and more real with each day. Friday might even give us a small taste of winter, if the weather forecast is correct.


Being able to almost drop completely out of modern society for the weekend was fun, but trying to get back up to speed today was hard. Since I was in such a hurry to leave on Saturday, I left my house in a total mess and had to sift through some bills before I went to class today.

I had also hoped to have read the assignment for today while I was away, but that didn't happen. I didn't even open the book once while I was at my grandma's house. I was too busy just sitting around listening to my grandma talk. So once again I was doing some heavy speed-reading before I walked out the door. Personally I like to have some more time to digest what I have read before I get to class.


I had known that my uncle had died a few months before I was born, but what I didn't know is that he died on my grandma's birthday. Having your first-born child die before you do must be hard enough, but to have it happen on your birthday must make it even worse. Suddenly what should be a happy day for you becomes a reminder of something tragic.

I'm not sure how she dealt with that kind of thing for the past thirty years. Maybe it gets easier with time.


My grandma has reached the age where she is quite matter of fact on the topic of death. The idea doesn't seem to bother her too much and she hints at it every so often. Since my grandpa died five years ago, she has kept pretty busy, but at the same time I can tell that she is slowly starting to get more and more weary.

Between most of the family I think that there is a steady stream of visitors to see her, but it certainly isn't the same as it was years ago.


I wonder how I'll feel when I reach her age.

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