bitch snooze alarm
Ann was back to her usual talkative self tonight. She talks and I listen. It was good to see her being a little more relaxed. Through listening I learned the following:
- She is not a morning person.
- Her bitch mood ends about fifteen minutes before she gets to work.
- Sometimes it lasts longer if she hit the bitch snooze alarm a few too may times.
- She got to see her daughters on her weekend.
- One of them has an ear infection.
- The medicine made her walk like a drunk.
- Her old boyfriend is back in the picture.
- She just spoke with him before I got to work.
- He wavers and looks heavier every time that she sees him.
- She wavers yet she waits to hear from him.
- Her hours might change to more of a second shift schedule.
- She wants to go back to school to finish her degree.
- She does not want to go to a private school because they advocate religion.
- She does not want her daughters to be taught religion in school.
- She thought that the poem that I sent her was sweet, but it wasn't her.
- She said that I was being grumpy as she hit me.
- She said that I would miss her when she went home.
- She said that she is always close by.
I said that I would count the minutes.
As things slowed down at work, I managed to get a good start on my paper for Tuesday. After some thought I decided to go with the poetry instead of a novel. This may or may not work for me, because the imagery in poems is sometimes as elusive as the true meaning of my dreams.
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