doom patrol lives Since I was so tired this morning, I didn't have time to write a decent entry for yesterday. All of the energy and excitement of the day was lost. One would never know it from what I wrote, but yesterday really was a good day for me. I wanted to talk some more about James Joyce in general, but it didn't happen. I wanted to talk about the fog that appeared after class, but that also got dropped from the entry. I wanted to relay the strange conversation that I heard about ethnic women and white men, but I couldn't concentrate well enough to remember the details of the argument. Sadly all of those things got lost when I fell asleep. ... There was the girl on campus yesterday who was a walking fantasy. She came from across the street and started to walk in front of me. Clad in her blue and green plaid skirt I couldn't help but notice her. She was a walking school girl fetish complete with black tights and chunky shoes. I was in complete awe. Seeing her dressed that way, I couldn't make up my mind if she was trying to be funny or if she had some other kind of motive in mind. Then I noticed that she was holding something in her left hand. It was a small metal lunchbox. When I realized what it was in her hand, I started to get a little concerned. Here was this woman in her early twenties carrying a lunchbox and I found it to be very odd. My best guess was that she was a kooky art student trying to make some kind of statement, but I can't be sure. What made it even more odd was what was on the lunchbox. From what I could see it looked like a Hindu god of some sort.