Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


on the bike

Quite often I judge my day by how much I accomplished and by those standards, I would have to say that today was a success. My only complaint would be that I slept too long and didn't get an early enough start on it. I would have preferred to start the day at midnight rather than at four in the morning, but once I got going I didn't stop.

Four in the morning might sound early, but since I fell asleep at three in the afternoon yesterday, that means I had over twelve hours of sleep. Yes, I do like to sleep late on my weekends, but twelve hours is a little too much even for me.

Most of the morning was spent milling around the house or working on the computer, but I did make it outside for part of the afternoon. After a weekend where Wisconsin gave a preview of winter weather, it was autumn again and I wanted to enjoy it. As much as I like seeing my breath in the morning, it does make for some cold bicycle riding which is what I wanted to do in the afternoon.

I should have known that it was going to be a tough ride, when the cars on the highway were swerving because of the wind. Some wind is tolerable, but over twenty-five mile an hour winds makes for a much harder ride. Of course going uphill into the wind is even worse, but at least I could coast for most of the return trip in the other direction.

Not having been on the bike for over a month, it felt good. Just being outside was worth the trip. Now my next goal is to do it a little more often or until it gets too cold for me.

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