better than milk crates After a much more reasonable six hours of sleep this time around, I started my day by getting my computer ready for an upgrade. I am expecting some new software tomorrow and I wanted to make sure that I had everything backed up just in case something goes wrong. Of course all of this took much longer than I had planned and I didn't get out of the house until after noon. Once I was free of the house I had thought about going for another bike ride, but I needed to get groceries. So in an odd sort of way I chose food over exercise. Then to offset my usual Tuesday afternoon slump, I decided to assemble my newly purchased bookcase. It looks okay, but as for a workout I would have prefered another bike ride over wielding a screwdriver for a couple of hours. No matter how simple it might seem to put together, it always takes longer than I expected and I ended up being my own sitcom for most of the afternoon. I keep skimming the surface with the entries, but not much has been on my mind lately. In some ways, I might call it blissfully detached, but it probably won't last for long.