saturday brings sleep Saturday went really well for me. To make it even better, I let myself have a glorious nine hours of sleep, which may not sound like much to some people, but for me it was heaven. I guess that this past week was more stressful than I thought and my body truly needed those hours. From what I could tell from the covers, I don't think that I moved once in the bed. Some of my thoughts drifted towards Ann this afternoon, but for the most part I just lounged around the house reading and wondering how cold it was going to be outside tonight. I know more about Ann than what I mention here. She does have a lot things going on in her life and me getting more involved probably isn't the best idea. What she needs to do is work through them by herself. The idea of us living together was one of a couple of things that she has said that have come and gone since I have known her. Besides I am not about to uproot my life for someone that I've only known for the past four months. Now if I were younger and a little less experienced, I might do it, but not now. I've been down that road before and dealing with former husbands is not a happy time. The games that people play against former spouses through their children is so sad and I don't want to be a part of that anymore. As for me I would have to say that my life is good. Going back to school has done wonders for me and I am already looking forward to another semester. Then once I get done with that in spring, I plan on going to Australia for a few weeks. Most of my planning has taken a back seat with my being in school, but that doesn't mean that I have changed my mind about going. Then after I get back home, I'll probably start to look for a new job and or house. ... As cynical as it may sound, I have to confess that I am not looking forward to the last two months of this year. People seem to go insane during the holiday season and I want nothing to do with it. For example, Ann and I were talking about the madness surrounding the launch of Sony Playstation 2. She was disgusted by all of the people selling them in online auctions or the people selling information where people could buy them. I kept telling her that that was the ugly beauty of capitalism and was what made the world go round. When it comes to money very little surprises me what people will do to get it. ... Since part of my life is opposite of the rest of society, the end of daylight savings time meant another hour of work for me. Maybe that was why I slept so long before I came into work.