clouds of jupiter


nothing worrying me

Walking through the cold rain, leather jacket providing some warmth, he rounded the corner of the last building. No one was sitting outside smoking. The charming weather had sent most of those people inside or somewhere else. Then in the corner of his eye he saw someone that he knew. Huddled under an archway with a cigarette in hand, she was there. She being someone that he wanted to talk with for weeks, but never had. Now seemed like as good as a time as any, so he took a step back to say hello.

Hello, he said.

Hi, she replied.

Recognition is always a good sign. Okay, first question.

Have you started on the final paper for class yet?

No. I might write on something that we haven't read yet.

Oh. I haven't made up my mind either.

Slight pause. Awkward silence. Think of something else to say.

Do you know if the new timetable came out yet?

Yes. I think that it came out last Friday or at least that is what my sister said.

Oh, she has a sister. Make mental note. Another pause. Must get some kind of momentum going here.

Since I only have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I'm not that in touch with what happens on campus.

Same here. I only have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Make another mental note. Only here twice a week. Possibly part time. Maybe has a full time job.


I think that I might have asked a few more things, but I just left it at that and said that I would talk to her later. She said that she would see me in class.

Sparks weren't flying, but at least I made some kind of contact. I also managed to make her seem more human and less idealized in my mind. Still seeing her up close shivering in the rain didn't make her look any less stunning to me.


It seems that someone did see me on the night that my professor showed a movie at her house. I asked this girl in class a question about an upcoming paper and after we got done discussing that issue, she asked me if I had tried to go to the house that night. I said yes. She said that she thought that she had seen me and apparently I looked pretty mad as well.

At this point, I felt compelled to tell her my whole miserable story. In fact I was probably on lap five or six by the time that she saw me, which explains my scowl. When she saw me she had tried to get my attention, but it seems that I was too busy trying to read the signs on the houses to notice her. Sigh. She did, however, say outloud, don't give up hope. You're close. Not that I could hear her of course.


After class Party Girl and I got together to talk some more about the play that I saw on Sunday and agreed that we need to go see one sometime soon.


Once again work has surprised me. As I was walking out the door this morning my boss passed me in the hallway. I could tell that he had something that he wanted to tell me so we headed back to his office.

It was time for a small pep talk and I was informed of all of the upcoming changes that are going to be happening in the department. Not only will the pace of the department be picking up speed in the next few weeks, but my personal involvement will also be accelerated. I had written an email outlining some flaws in some new documentation that we had been given to follow and this earned me an invite to a managerial meeting. As to how well this goes has yet to be seen.

I was also informed that I have a review coming up as well. This was news to me, but if this means a small promotion and or salary increase I won't complain. The funny part is that three other people have been pushing for some kind of attention from my boss and here it comes my way without my asking for it. Sometimes the laidback approach gets better results than brown nosing and or an over zealous look at me aren't I clever attitude.

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