monday equals laundry For the most part yesterday was a typical Sunday for me. Quiet, half awake watching some television here and there, which included a documentary on Napoleon followed by the second half of an episode of the X-Files. As attractive as I find Agent Scully, the Napoleon documentary was more interesting to me. Besides seeing a slug move under the skin of Dana's back was not exactly alluring. On a strange related note, I ordered a copy of the Hapsburg book that I had been reading earlier this year after I got back from Europe. I learned that it was out of print when I first tried to get a copy, but the web has a way of finding such things. ... Working Sunday night was tolerable, but I would prefer not to have to do it again any time soon. It not only shortened my weekend, but it felt more foreign than I can describe. Quite honestly the whole mood of the department bothered me and I couldn't wait to escape. Six days in a row had been enough. I also didn't like the wave of Monday issues that surfaced toward the end of my shift and I was brutally reminded how miserable people can be at the beginning of the week. ... A woman that used to work at our company earlier in the year called me at work this morning. No, she didn't really call to speak with me. She had called to speak with another woman in the department, but she was at lunch when I picked up the phone. After the usual catching up, she asked me if I was going on another big trip and I said yes. Australia is my new destination in the spring. After hearing this she asked me when was I going to settle down and this struck me as odd. At the moment I can't seem to imagine myself as part of a couple. It's been so long since I had someone see me that way. Then again maybe she was only joking. ... Early this morning I made the mistake of watching my vhs copy of Blade Runner. After seeing the beauty of dvd, the picture quality frightened me. At first I was reluctant to get another copy of a movie that I already own, but I think that I can make an exception here. Nevermind the fact that I can recite almost the entire dialogue of the film. ... Hours later after seven hours of sleep filled with strange if not mildly disturbing dreams. The one fragment that I remember the most was this odd argument that I was having with two policemen. They wanted to arrest me for some reason and I was resisting like it was the last thing that I would ever do in life. Not good. I sense guilt for something that I did, but can't remember. Then again maybe this is coming from all of the Freud that I have read this semester. ... Somewhere in the final hour before I left work Nicole stopped by to show me something. Somehow she had managed to get some red pen marks on her new coat. When I say new coat, what I mean to say is that she bought it a week ago. Actually she didn't buy it. It was an early Christmas gift from her mother. I remember complimenting her on it last week and now suddenly it is flawed. As strange as it might sound, her taking the time to tell me about her coat made my night. She has a way of telling stories that always makes me smile and at the moment she is my strongest source of feminine input.