clouds of jupiter


my kingdom for a laptop

The more that I talk with Ann and Nicole, the more I realize that I came out of my twenties relatively unscathed. Then again I was never a twenty-three year old woman. Nor have I ever been pregnant, but I am stating the obvious once more.

Oh, I'll be the first to confess that my life must seem horribly dull when compared to other people, but I also like to think that I outgrew most of my self destructive habits many years ago.


Sometime Saturday afternoon staring out the window from the third floor of the campus library.

Red brick buildings squat on snow covered ground. A young couple in down ski jackets stops to give directions to a driver in a van. Hints of a sky here and there, but mostly imagined.

Four tables away a blonde girl in red with her back to me. Pony tail moving now and then as she shifts her books.

I turn around and look behind me for a moment. A brunette with a short bob with her back to me. Black turtleneck and a chunky black watch. She plays with her hair and I turn back around.

Heat from the vents makes my vision waver as I look out the window.


Sometime later the brunette surprised me. I was idly reading my material when I noticed her standing next to me whispering something. She asked if I could watch her stuff while she took a bathroom break. I said sure and she was gone. It must be the honest look that I give off.

I envied her laptop. Cute smile. No name though. Just a thank you.

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