clouds of jupiter


hole in the washtub

Most of what I write today won't be much more coherent than what I've written the past two days and it isn't due to health reasons either. My time just seems to be that limited lately. Taking a few minutes to put my thoughts here has been very elusive.

Risking my newly restored health I ventured out of the house after only three hours of sleep with my final destination being my parents' house. We were to have what for us is a traditional Christmas dinner. Now this isn't anytihng new for us except that over the years fewer and fewer of our relatives seem to come by for dinner. Of course this is only natural as my cousins now have families of their own and trying to coordinate that many people isn't as easy to do. In fact I would almost say that my siblings and I are probably five years away from having families of our own as well.

Twenty years ago we used to travel from house to house on Christmas. The day was devoted to my mother's side of the family and we would go to each of her brother's houses and they would come to ours. All of that has changed now.

My grandpa has passed away. My cousins have gotten older and moved out of state. In my distorted way of seeing things some of that childhood magic is gone.

I'm not saying that I appreciate Christmas any less today. No, I am still very grateful for my loving and supportive family. I also know that we'll have many more Christmas holidays together in the years to come and we can create new memories. I just see things a little differently now.


I haven't been able to see that many Christmas television specials this year, but I did manage to see Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas for the first time in years. Now it may not have the enduring quality of Charlie Brown, but I still love to sing hole in the washtub as loud as I can. My mom thought that I was insane, but my four year old niece seemed to like it.

Ann had no idea about the song, but my buddy Nicole did.

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