clouds of jupiter


wide sargasso sea

That strange little argument that I had in class yesterday is indicative of how much I have changed since I was an undergraduate years ago. It isn't as though I've become less sensitive, it's just that I don't always buy what some people think is the correct answer.

The British Empire is often criticized for what they did to various countries when they were at the height of their power, but people also seem to forget that the United States does almost exactly the same thing today to other less powerful countries. A commonly used phrase is that the United States thinks of itself as the policeman of the world, which is not always met with enthusiasm by other countries.

There are just as many dark spots in American history as there are in Britain's less than perfect past. The American government has done a terrific job with the American Indians and the Hawaiian people. Both of these groups were probably extremely excited about becoming subjects of the American Empire once they didn't have any other choice. Oh, I guess that maybe not everyone does get their right to speak in this noble country known as the United States.

Might makes right is still in effect today, but the United States does it with far less grace than Britain.

I also forgot to mention that Lucas, who is British, finally spoke up in class to support me. He talked about some friends of his who grew up in Kenya, but are still clearly British in their manner of thinking. It seems that they didn't feel as though they were being kept down by some other force. Many of these former subject countries still openly choose to be part of the British commonwealth because it helps their economy. I guess that being tied to another country isn't always so evil when money plays a factor in the equation.

I can't believe that I just spouted so much political talk, because it is so unlike me. What I was trying to say is that so often people try to rewrite history to meet their own needs, but what they need to remember is that no person or country is without its flaws. Nor is there a clearly defined line between what people say is good and evil. The world isn't that simple.


After eating some food this morning, I collapsed on my couch. The first night back at work is always the hardest for me and sleep was something that I needed more than anything else. When I woke up I was half expecting to see snow falling outside my window, but it didn't happen.

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