clouds of jupiter


lone shivering marshes

After a healthy amount of sleep yesterday, I didn't immediately launch into studying. Instead I let television take me away for a couple of hours while I shuffled paperwork. First there was the comedy of The Simpsons, where Bart and some of the other Springfield cast become members of a boy band complete with signature dance moves. From there it was off to 60 Minutes where I learned some more about the talent of David Boies. Finally I pondered the return of Mulder on the X-Files, before I turned the set off and started to study.


In what for me was an amazing display of self discipline, I left my house to study for the entire afternoon. I was determined to be free of anything that might distract me. As small as my house might be to some people it is still filled with objects that represent me and can easily lead me astray from other matters.

There are books that I have read and books that I want to read piled everywhere. Mixed in among the books are statues, some made of ironwood others are made of brass. On the walls hang prints of famous paintings and some of my own decorate my bedroom. Suddenly anything, but what I should be reading becomes intensely interesting to me. Then there is the small matter of the computer and the television.

I knew that I had to leave for the day if I wanted to get anything done. Naturally this is standard practice for some people when it comes to studying, but for me it's a bit of an effort.

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