clouds of jupiter


flirting side effects

Now instead of rain on my commute home this morning I had to deal with extreme gusts of wind. These were lift the car off the ground ever so slightly and rock it at an intersection kind of wind. Somehow I prefer the wind to the rain. At least it doesn't seem as oppressive to me.


Nicole and Ann are a real contrast to one another. During the night Nicole stopped by and told me some more stories about when she was growing up. Generally speaking she wasn't that happy as a child and even now she still resents her parents for it. From what she has told me they were so strict that she felt that she had no choice but to rebel and she certainly did.

The stories seem funny now, but I often wonder what Nicole would have been like if her parents had done things differently. None of this really matters though. It's up to Nicole as to what she wants to do with her life now, even though she says that her parents still treat her as though she were fifteen.

Naturally hearing all of these stories makes her more and more attractive to me and part of me wants to help her even though I know that I can't.


Ann had thought that she would be completely recovered from her cold this morning, but she wasn't. She sounded half dead when she called to say that she was going to be late this morning and said that she had had a miserable night of sleep.

When I relayed the Nicole stories to Ann, she half jokingly said that I cared more about Nicole than I did her. She even went so far as to do some dramatic pouting while saying that all I ever talk about is Nicole. It was funny and odd at the same time.

To calm my sickly friend I went on a food run for her before I left. My offering seemed to reestablish my concern for her.


I didn't stay as late at work this morning, because these next few days are going to be divided between reading Great Expectations and studying for the exam again. If I wanted to continue with my feeble comparison and contrast, I guess that would make Nicole Pip and Ann the exam.

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