the cool hunters Eight hours of sleep is a good way to create a line between one day and the next. People do it all the time and I was more than willing to leave Tuesday behind me. Well, did anyone else catch that pity parade that I created yesterday? I certainly did since I was the one leading it. Yes, a variety of emotions did cross my mind. There was shock, anger, disbelief and finally defeat. None of these were positive feelings either. Somehow the idea of failing something over and over again did not make me feel good about myself. I can't remember ever being so frustrated before in my life. I want and need something positive to happen to me. As to what that might be, I have no idea, but I hope that it happens soon. I keep telling myself that I reinvent myself every three years, but I don't remember it being this much of a struggle last time. Something has to change. ... In my self induced funk, I watched part of the President's speech last night, but very little of it registered with me. In fact I can't remember anything of what he said. ... It's five thirty in the morning and I'm sitting here at the computer reading online journals. Sunrise is still an hour away and the entire day is mine. Oh, I forgot to mention that I didn't have to go to work last night. That was about the only good thing that did happen yesterday.