clouds of jupiter


insert words here

Part of the night was spent at a birthday party for a coworker. It was okay and I really didn't mind not being able to drink. Actually most of the people who were drinking were just getting started when I left for work.

Some of the crowd there I had met before and some of them were new. Once again it was an okay mix of people, but knowing that work was waiting for me kept my involvement to a minimum. On the other hand it also gave me a good excuse to leave when I had had enough.

Donna was her usual flirting self outside of work which I have come to expect now. At first it used to bother me, but now I just let it flow over me. No real harm can come of it. Now there also exists a photo of her and I in a cute embrace. So it goes.


Earlier in the week I had rented four movies thinking that I would have plenty of time to watch them before Sunday. I was wrong. Of the group I only managed to watch three of them. Time Code went back unviewed.

I guess that I don't go to the local video store on a Saturday night that often. The lot was packed and a woman asked me if was returning the movie Meet the Parents. I wasn't.

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