clouds of jupiter


some different drama

Rather than watching the Oscars last night, I opted instead for the Ian Holm version of King Lear being aired on public television and I think that I made the better choice. I prefer that kind of drama over the Hollywood version anyway. Besides of the five movies nominated for best picture, I'd only seen two of them, Gladiator and Crouching Tiger. The rest would just be trailers. Erin Brockovich, Chocolat and Traffic never happened for me. Not that I really cared who won, since I already know what I do and don't like when it comes to movies.

As for the women in their glamorous attire, I am sure that I can get my fill of that at the local magazine rack and or online for the next few weeks.


Due to an early afternoon email from work I managed to get an extended weekend this week. Naturally I'll pay for this in April by working a day I usually don't work, but another day off from work sounded like a good idea to me so I took the offer.


Last Saturday Apple debuted their new operating system Mac OS X and I had been waiting for my copy to arrive, but something went wrong. Well, it sort of arrived. What I mean is that Fed Ex made an attempt to deliver it to me, but I didn't know that they were here. As dumb as as it might sound I had my doorbell disconnected because every so often it has a tendency to buzz. Now this wouldn't be so bad except that it is located on a wall in my bedroom. What makes this even worse is that I think that I heard the delivery guy ring the downstairs doorbell as well while I was in bed. Sigh. So rather than getting some new software at ten in the morning on Saturday it came today at two in the afternoon just as I was getting tired and ready to go to sleep.

Before I went to sleep I called my dad to wish him a happy birthday and also got volunteered to help him on a remodelling project that he is doing.

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