somewhere in utah

Slick roads and damp air. Yet another drive to work at night passing the same houses and seeing the same neon signs. Not spring yet not winter. Something in between.

Little did I know that that calm ride to work would soon be followed by an extremely busy night.


Sometimes I just wish that the night was mine to do with as I pleased.

Soon very soon I'll be thousands of miles away and when I'll look up at the night sky, it'll be a sky filled with stars that I'll have never seen before in my life.


Yesterday I neglected to mention that I did some experimenting with Mac OS X. I haven't decided yet what to say about it. I need some more time with it before I start to form an opinion.


At the moment I am so envious of the adventure divas. If I could I would just love to drive across the country. The last chance that I had to do so was when California Dan moved out there. He invited me to come along with him, but my girlfriend at the time wouldn't hear of it. To her it wasn't an option.

There was a definite Jack Kerouac phase in my life minus the mother fixation, alcoholism and latent homosexuality of course.

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