Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


find and replace

I really do live my life in cycles and all that I have to do is look back through the journal to prove it. A year ago at this time I was on vacation, but I drove north to get out of the city for a few days. This time I stayed home, but I think that staying here was just as effective. I was able to relax and forget about everything for a time, which is what I wanted to do.

It may have taken me a few days to realize it, but I managed to remember a conclusion that I came to once before. Quite simply life is far too short to spend it moping around and in the future I'll try not to forget that fact. Every so often I stumble and start to doubt myself and let myself fall, but also I hope to stop that from happening as often in the future.

When I stand back and take a more objective look, I have to say that I like where I am right now with my life. What I am doing is what works for me. I can't spend all of my time over analyzing things or questioning outcomes to death. I just need to enjoy life more. Plus I can't wait until I get to Europe, because I know that will add even more to my life.

Maybe it was the telephone conversation that I had with an old friend of mine from college tonight that helped me put things into perspective. First of all it was nice to talk with someone who I've known longer than two years, but there were other things that made the conversation valuable.

Both of us are the same age and have simlar backgrounds, which is probably why we have been friends for so long. People need to be with other people that think like they do. Even though we chose different paths we can still agree about certain things in life. One of them is that sometimes life is simply going to work, going home and then repeating it all over again the next day. I believe that there is a cliche that says that drama is life with all of the boring parts taken out and as trite as that may be there is some truth there.

The hard part is remembering to have fun somewhere in the midst of all of the routine that runs our lives.

Enough with the self help lesson for the day, it is time to move on to other things.

When I wasn't pondering my navel, I was still sifting through the mess in my house that I created yesterday. Thankfully there were a few pleasant surprises that made it worthwhile. After digging through a few boxes, I found my old astronomy book full of charts and photos that was lost ever since I moved here. Until today I thought that it was either in a box at my parents house or that I had sold it sometime ago. On the flip side I also found quite a few things that will be going out with the trash tomorrow morning.

Another thing that I learned today is that my packrat habits have got to stop. I am amazed at some of the crap that I boxed up when I moved here. I have paperwork from two jobs ago that are useless to me. I also have old college notebooks that I am sure that I can part with now. Personally I think that I did a great job of creating a fire hazard with all of the boxed paper that I had stored under the roof.

Not only did I do some cleaning in my house, but also did some with the journal. At long last I moved all of my old files from Simplenet to the new site. Now that I have done that part, I can get a small thrill out of deleting them from the old site. I guess that I could let Simplenet do the deleting once I cancel my account, but I would prefer to do it myself.

My next step is to think of a new name for the journal. Part of me wants to distance myself from what I wrote the last two and a half years and I think that a new name would be a step in the right direction.

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