selling myself As I was leaving work Saturday morning I walked by Nicole sitting outside smoking a cigarette so I decided to stop and chat one more time before I went to my car. We had talked earlier in the night like we usually do, but things seemed different outside of work. There wasn't any pressure to look as though we were working and something about the morning sun was nice. Maybe it was the sun or maybe she was just feeling even more giddy than usual, but Nicole decided to demonstrate her ballet technique for me. I suggested that she make her own exercise video. Nicole is one of the few people that I wish I saw outside of work, but her schedule is even more odd than mine. Ann and I have tried a number of times to get her to go with us to movies, but something always falls through at the last moment. About the most that I have done with Nicole outside of work is talk with her on the phone, but it isn't quite the same as seeing her in person. The absence of Ann from work this week was probably felt more by me than anyone else in the department. Yes, her not being there changed some of the other people's schedules, but I am the one who works with her the most. Saturday night and Sunday morning were noticeably different to me. ... After a four hour power nap, I made my way to my parents' house for a nice Easter dinner and that was about the extent of the holiday for me.