coworker conversations When I woke this afternoon, I could think again. Everything was calm and made sense, but something about all of that lost time over the past two days still truly bothers me. On both of those days I did manage to be fairly civil at work, but I hate it when I waste the time that I have at home. Suddenly everything starts to revolve around work again and I don't like when that happens to me. I wish that I could say more about some of the people that I work with everyday, but I try to keep names out of here as much as possible so that limits me. What I want to do is share some of the conversations that I have with them that take me by complete surprise. There is a satellite feed in the room where I work. More often than not the weather channel airs all night long. Sometimes the people on second shift will change the channel to news, but once third shift starts it goes back to the weather. Well, anyway, there is one very attractive woman who does the weather and one day I mentioned this fact to a woman who works wih me and she thought that was funny. In fact she thought that it was so funny that on Thursday she calls me pretending to be the hot weather babe and proceeds to do some mild phone sex for me. Ahem. I don't think that I could ask for a better coworker. Then on the other end of the human spectrum there is the highly agitated second shift coworker who keeps complaining about his dropping Microsoft stock as I laugh and laugh. He also seems to have some personal vendetta againt the goverment and Bill Clinton is a frequent target of his outbursts. Personally I prefer the flirting of the female coworker over the tirades of the male coworker. The weather here has been a typical spring where each day it is something a little different than the day before. Yesterday when I woke in the late afternoon it was in a sweat as the temperature in my house had rose to eighty degrees. Somehow the wind had blown open the door to my porch and hot air from outside was filling the house. Today, however, the sun is gone and the wind is cold and any chance of sweating is minimal. Actually I could see my breath as I tried to light my grill early this evening. About the only sign that things will get better is the green on the budding trees.