crude but true

Sigh. So rather than working some more on a paper that is due on Thursday, I decided to watch the copy of the movie Office Space that a friend from work loaned me. It was okay. I guess having Ann tell me the entire plot took something away from it. Then again hearing her do Milton was funnier than Milton in the movie.

While I was watching, I also kept thinking of Milton as Mr. James from Newsradio. I mean it was the same actor.

The movie also proved how poor of an actress Jennifer Anniston is in anything that she does. She has no talent.

The fact that the hero wore a suit to work disappointed me. Then at the end of the movie he wasn't nearly as laidback as he first was after the hypnosis. Maybe the thought of going to prison does tend to break that kind of spell on a person.

Maybe I expected too much. Besides I already know how insane working in office can be and people still seem to do it. Maybe I just wanted to laugh more than I did. I don't know.


My evening before I went into work was just as non-productive as the morning.

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