dandelions for everyone

So I might have fallen asleep yesterday shortly after five in the afternon, but it was still a great day for me. I was relaxed for the first time in weeks. I was able to be myself free of any worries or concerns. Today, however, I think was even better, because I got to spend almost the entire day outside. It was wonderful.

After I did some quick errands in the morning, I was out on my deck setting up my lounge chair. To pass the time when I wasn't daydreaming was a stack of books. Most of them were travel books about Australia, because with less than three weeks left I have to make sure I know what I want to see and do while I am there.

As the hours passed and the clouds rolled overhead, I read about Melbourne, Sydney and Cairns. Later in the day I switched to the Michael Cunningham novel The Hours. So far I am loving it. Actually I might have read all of it if my eyes hadn't started to bother me. Something tells me that I am allergic to all of the tree pollen that has been floating around for the past week or so.


I may not be an expert in botany, but from the look of the tree in my backyard, I'd have to say that the lower branches get their leaves before the branches at the very top. Maybe this has something to do with the way the tree gets it nutrients from the soil and this would certainly put the lower branches in front of the upper ones.


Just seeing so much green still seems odd to me. It isn't as though the winter was that harsh, but maybe it was the absence of the color that really bothered me. For months everything was so neutral and lifeless. At least when there is snow on the ground everything looks more pleasant.

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