palmer joss spoke Last night Ann looked good in a simple yet professional green skirt suit. I know that I shouldn't be, but I am and probably always will be very attracted to her. She didn't like the way that the suit fit her, but I couldn't stop looking at her. In her opinion, the skirt fit well enough, but the top needed to be more fitted. It didn't matter to me, I still wanted to touch her. ... Two in the afternoon and my copy of the movie Contact is playing in the background. With the rain this morning, the air conditioner is still on so that I can get some sleep before I go to work tonight. Class went well today even though I seem to be one of the few people who likes the novel The Hours by Michael Cunningham. Jennifer was only twenty-five pages into it and I think that Stephanie had read even less. As for me I read close to a hundred and twenty-five pages in one sitting. When asked by the instructor what I thought of the book, I said that it rocked. Stephanie said that it wasn't rocking her. I gave her a look that said that I was ready to rock her. Cute girl. I should make an attempt to keep in touch with her this summer. I may make light of some of the people in class, but I am going to miss school during the summer. I also want to say that despite my arguing with the instructor from time to time, I do still have a great deal of respect for her. She made me think again and anyone who can do that to me is certainly someone that I can appreciate. ... Jodi Foster is in the chair and saying that she is okay to go.