overcast and cool It felt good being able to write as much as I did yesterday. Most of those thoughts had been milling around inside my head for a while now and I think that it made sense. Today I don't quite have the energy for it. All that I want to do is sleep. Ann and Nicole have to be the two women that I have the most contact with in my life. Every week each of them tells me a little more about their lives. As I said the mood of the stories changes. Some are more personal than others, but I remember all of them. Sometimes I think that Ann holds back, but then again from what I understand she has enough going on in her life without having another person getting caught up in the whirlwind. Instead of serious issues we talk about the cartoons that she watches with her daughter. Ann does some of the best voices when she tells these stories. I also love to hear her laugh when she tells them and I think that she needs to do it more than she does. Ann knows that I want to leave the company, but that is a serious topic so we brush it aside. Maybe we'll talk about those things on Sunday. Obviously I won't be leaving the company until sometime this summer, but not being able to see and talk with Ann anymore will be hard.