the cyborg life

I spent part of the early afternoon with Ann. We had talked about it on both Sunday morning and by email last night. I had thought that it would be fun, but by the time that I got home I was more depressed than I had been in days. Listening to her life always gets to me and I still can't understand how someone that young can have so many problems.

It was good to see her, but she always seems to be under so much stress and there is nothing that I can do about it. I mean there might be parts of my life that I don't like, but for the most part the problems are manageable. Hers just seem to keep mulitplying.

I sometimes wonder why so many unhappy people are drawn to me or if I am drawn to them. At one time I thought that I knew the answer, but now I'm not so sure anymore.


Today could have been more productive, but at least I got to enjoy the weather and soon I'll be able to forget about everything in my daily life. For the first time in a long time, I'll be able to have fun again.

Before I went into work I watched part of a program called Beyond Human on PBS. From what I saw some people think that in the near future people will be equipped with a special pair of glasses that will give them access to a database of faces along with a small personality profile. Rather than touting this as an invasion of privacy, it was said to be a return to an era when people knew everyone that they met on a daily basis. I didn't buy it.

The whole thrust of the program was that technology is augmenting our humanity rather than making us less human. Examples given were pacemakers and artificial limbs, which made sense to me. The eyeglasses just seemed silly.

I guess for me the future lies somewhere in between the world seen in Bladerunner and the world seen in Gattaca.

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