fifteen to twenty-eight

A year ago in the journal I was writing about Nicole and this morning I dreamt that the two of us actually got together. It was odd yet made sense at the same time. There we were lying in bed together and it seemed perfectly natural. Everything that we did and said made complete sense. Somehow her fiance had been pushed to the side and now I was with her.

Now obviously this has never happened in reality. In fact I have never even seen Nicole outside of work. More than likely what I did was recreate some of what Tracy and I experienced when we were living together except that this time it was Nicole in her place.

What was even more odd was the conversation that I had with her son. As far as I know he has about a ten word vocabulary at this point in time, but in the dream we were talking as though both of us were adults.

I can't remember the last time that I dreamt about someone that I knew. More often than not the people in my dreams are people that I have never met. Nicole should be flattered, but of course I can't ever tell her about the dream.


Winter seems to have returned to Wisconsin while I was away. The temperature is about twenty degrees cooler than it should be for this time of year and the sun hasn't been out in days. The weather that we had in Australia however was just right. Most of the time it was somewhere between fifteen and twenty-eight degrees celsius, which would roughly be sixty to eighty-two degrees fahrenheit.

I think that my sister Hope was expecting more blistering heat, but it is winter in the southern hemisphere so I knew that it would be something more tolerable than continual tropical heat.

To be honest I think that my sister was expecting to be lounging on the beach and have attractive Australian men wander up to her with free drinks. That didn't happen.


Everyday reality has yet to catch up with me and I hope that it stays that way a little longer. Going back to work tomorrow night will be the real test for me though. Work has a way of killing a post vacation high. My wish is that my post vacation high will last at least through this week. That is all that I am asking.

About the most productive thing that I did today was retrieve my mail that they held for me at the post office while I was gone. In the stack were such charming things as bills and they definitely were not something that I missed during the past two weeks. I mean I think that most people can get by in life without having to pay any bills. I certainly wouldn't miss them.

Tomorrow I'll not only have to mail out those bills, but I'll also have to get some food back in the house. Eating out was fine while I was away, but now I'm back to eating at home.


If anyone is wondering if romance struck me while I was away, I am sorry to say that the answer would be no. About the only Australian women that I spoke with while I was there were usually standing behind a counter at a hotel. They were friendly enough, but most of the time I looked like hell when I was checking into the hotel and kept most of the conversation to business matters.

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