the fan club I was so busy talking about the rain yesterday that I never mentioned how productive Monday was for me. It was so unlike the Mondays that I had before my trip. I had gone to the grocery store early in the morning and paid some bills before I took a small nap in the afternoon. After the nap there was still plenty of time to sit outside and read. I even managed to do some grilling before the storm struck at night. For me it as an almost ideal day. ... I have a small confession to make. After my sister and I left Sydney, my writing almost came to a complete stop. I scrawled a few paragraphs here and there, but I certainly didn't fill pages like I did in the beginning. This doesn't mean that I'm not going to write anything. Oh, no. There are some great stories from when we in Cairns and then Melbourne. ... Through a conversation with my sister Hope early this evening I learned that I have a small fan club where she works. She had been showing her photos from the trip and when they saw me in some of them the questions started. You never said that you had a brother. Is he single? How old is he? What does he do for a living? Can we meet him? Honestly I'm not quite sure how to react to this kind of attention. It has been a long time since I've had someone react that way to me. Then my sister went on to say that she doesn't want to play matchmaker, but there is one woman in particular who is very interested. According to my sister this woman is twenty-nine, blonde and very pretty. She also happens to be divorced and has a five year old child. I don't think my sister mentioned whether or not this was a little boy or girl. She also wasn't sure how I felt about that kind of situation. Well. Once again I'm not really quite sure what to say. Am I supposed to call this woman and maybe see what happens? I don't know. For the longest time I thought that I would never date another divorced woman again, since the last two that I dated ended poorly. Then I think to myself that that isn't fair to this person. Here I am judging before I even met her. Then I start to wonder what we would even talk about if we went out for the night. I don't know. I mean she already knows what I look like, but I have no idea what expectations she might have for my personality. It all seems so odd to me. Sigh. For a while now I kept telling myself that I was simplifying my life and now here I am thinking about maybe introducing someone new into it. All of these possibilities keep going through my mind about what may or may not happen. At the moment nothing has happened though. I just don't know what I want to do next. I need to think about it some more before I do anything. It's so strange how one little comment can send my mind reeling. She wants to meet you.