so now what Last night I did not want to be at work. In fact I spent about an hour or so grumbling about the place. I wanted more money. I wanted more challenges. I wanted to be somewhere where there was something other than fluorescent lighting. I even went so far as to quote Tom Hanks from the movie Joe Versus the Volcano where he talks about the lights sucking the life out of him. That was exactly how I felt last night. I also realized that the entire time that I was away I didn't spend any real length of time under fluorescent lighting and I was so much happier. Of course I can't bring the light of a Queensland sky inside a building, but it sure would be nice if I could. Yes, my post vacation high has left me. I want. I want. I want. Yet I haven't acted on any of it. At the end of August I will have been with the company for three years and for me that is a record. This is the longest job that I have ever held in my life. It's also the only job where I have gotten the lowest if any salary increases. Something has to change in the near future. The whole time that I was ranting Ann seemed to be in another world. There was a small vase with some roses sitting on the desk next to her. No, they were not from me and she didn't mention who had given them to her. I have a few ideas, but I'm not positive. As I said before she didn't seem to be in a talking mood and was determined to focus her energy on work. I have the feeling that more emotional storms are brewing on her homefront. Maybe she'll tell me some answers this Friday. I don't know. ... Reality has slowly crept its way back into my life. For instance there is the small matter of getting a new car by the end of the month. My lease expires on my current vehicle and I don't think that I want to keep it. Plus I have yet to reapply to graduate school. My grade for this spring semester was a B+ so I know that I must be doing something right. Yes, it wasn't as high as I had last semester, but I don't think that I was into the material as much as I was last winter. I also have the feeling that the instructor was expecting more from me this time around. She wanted me to push myself and for that I am grateful.