four of us After eating breakfast brought into work this morning by Ann, I made my way west to visit my parents for the day. Not only was I going because it was father's day, but I also had yet to show them my photos from Australia. This time when I arrived there was someone at home. One of the last times that I went to visit, I had been locked out of the house and ended up going home. Hope was in fact there that one time, but she didn't hear me knocking or the doorbell. This time my other sister Heather was there to let me inside. After I showed my photos, Hope and I did an exchange. She took the doubles of mine that she wanted and I took the doubles of hers that I wanted. Sometimes we had almost identical shots, but then there would be something slightly different in our sets. Between the two of us we both had well over two hundred photos by the time that we were done. Maybe it was unplanned, but pretty soon all four siblings were there. It still feels a little odd when all four of us are there at the same time since Hope is the only one who still lives with my parents. These little gatherings seem to happen about once a month. Not only was everyone home for the day, but the weather agreed with us as well. Usually where my parents live is plagued by wind. That wasn't the case today and everyone got some pleasant time in the pool.