one two three

Okay. I think that I have managed to dislodge my head from my ass or wherever it has been stuck for the past couple of days. I can actually think clearly again. Along with those thoughts has come a better point of view on life.

The first night at work went much better than last week. I was still fairly subdued, but that felt better than ranting for an hour or two. Then to complete the night I had a discussion with my boss about my place in the department and what I want to happen next for me. I like to think that I came across sounding reasonable yet not completely happy. As to what might happen next has yet to be seen although he did offer me a few more incentives and there will be some money involved.

Money makes me happy. Yes, it does.


Oh, I did finally start to write about my time in Cairns. Generally speaking from what I have read and even heard from my friends in Wagga Wagga, Queensland is considered to be slightly backward compared to the rest of the country. Other times they refer to it as the Australian version of The South. I can't really say that that was what I saw while I was there. What I can say is that the people were far more relaxed than in Sydney.

I truly loved the landscape with its unique mix of sugarcane fields set down in between the jungle and the ocean. It was unlike anything that I had ever seen before and it made me want to go back to see more.

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