some new plans

Color me frustrated. Since I've returned home from abroad, I haven't done much of anything. About the most productive thing that I have done is get my photos developed. Other than that one minor achievement, all that I do now is eat, sleep and go to work. Yes, it feels great to be back home. Sigh.

There are some plans, foremost of which is to get a new car. A new and or second job might be falling in shortly afterwards. So far I haven't made much headway on any of these ideas. What I have managed to do is feel sorry for myself and do some reading.

I am convinced that I could travel the world for a whole year and not get tired of it. Of course I'll never know unless I quit my current job and go to work for Lonely Planet and help them put out their travel guides. Yes, I could be sleeping in hostels around the world and then writing what I thought about them.

I have some more general comments about my time away. The first general comment has to do with Germans. Germans in their home country are a charming friendly people. Away from the fatherland, they are annoying as hell. It seems that they think that they own the world and don't feel the need to keep their conversations to themselves.

I don't know how many groups of Germans that I ran across in Australia and almost every time they were very loud. The one exception that I can remember would be the small group that I met in the elevator in Melbourne. They were a real contrast to the swaggering loudmouths sitting next to us at a cafe in Kuranda. I kept wanting to yell shut up, but I didn't.

The second comment is about Australian beer, which I think is great or as they say good stuff. Unlike American beer it doesn't give a person gas and or a hangover. I think that someone once told me that it was all of the preservatives that they inject into American beer that makes it so awful, but I'm not positive.

No. I didn't drink Fosters. I drank Victoria Bitter. I wanted to try XXXX (pronounced fourex), but I never got around to it.

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