an impatient soul When I left work this morning I was in a pretty good lather about something that had happened, but by the time that I went into work at night all of that had disappeared. Now I need to back the story up and start at the beginning. During my final hour at work this morning, I was put on the spot. Of the three people in the department that were present, I was the one that knew the most and I couldn't remember the right answer. The other two people could have cared less, but it kept eating at me. The answer was so simple, but I couldn't remember one small word to make it work. Sigh. I guess that this does prove that I care about work. Earlier in the week I had expressed my feelings of being overlooked and now in my paranoia I feel as though I am being tested until I fail. Of course my reaction this morning was extreme and the person who gave me the answer thought nothing of it. This person also happens to the local guru of the department and if I can keep him from thinking that I am a moron I'll be fine. I don't do very well with these office games. I much prefer to be myself, which is also why I like being on third shift. In one very real sense, I am my own boss and I love it. I also think that I am going to start studying for another certification, because I was promised more money if I passed it. Ann had scheduled one, but has yet to take it. Speaking of Ann it seems that she has set her sights on yet another man. The girl just can't get enough. I find it funny that she probably would never know the song that uses that phrase. I am sure that Depeche Mode is ancient history to her.