act your age

Hello, again. I seem to be forgetting details here.

Quarter after twelve in the afternoon and I should be sleeping. I want to sleep even though the air is warm outside, the sun is shining. Summer is outside. People are outside. There is a rummage sale going on outside in my driveway.

I feel good today. I do.

Last night at work was odd. I played with Ann like I always do and listened to her muse about this boy who works in another department. I found it odd yet not odd at the same time. She strikes me as being so young and unaware of her actions. Maybe she was merely joking. I don't know.

She is going to get her tongue pierced again and I asked what color bar she was going to choose. I don't remember what her answer was to the question, but I know that my sister Hope has a metallic pink one.

Piercing is so not me and seems to belong to another generation. I don't need those outward symbols to express myself. Nor do I see it as a means of being rebellious. I see it as a trend that will be replaced by another one in a few years.

My boss said that three years at a company isn't that long of a time, but for me it feels long. I can't see myself ever working for a company for more than five years. Nor do I ever see myself ever getting married. Neither of those options appeals to me. I need change. I need new settings. I need to experience life.

Maybe getting married is a part of life, but it isn't a part of mine.

Now I am the one sounding as though I were seventeen instead of thirty-one. Ann said that she missed being in high school and I am old enough to know that I don't. If we can only perceive life in a linear fashion than I certainly don't want to go backwards. I want to go forward and so far it gets better with every year.

Last year it was Europe, this year it was Australia and next year it will be Europe again. If I love anything in this world, it is the freedom and adventure of travel.

Ann wanted to know if I would ever date an older woman and I said that I don't know. I don't like to make general statements when it comes to who I date. However I can say that I have never dated a woman who was more than two year younger than me it just doesn't happen. Of course this should effectively eliminate both Ann and Nicole.

Lately Nicole has been so much more serious than Ann and I have a feeling that Ann feels as though her youth is slipping away from her. I have seen all of this before with Tracy. A girl has a baby when she is young and feels robbed of her early years of freedom and tries to recapture them later. That plan never seems to work very well though.

I am rambling here.

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