Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


hours drift by

After a night back at work and some solid sleep devoid of dreams, I felt like myself again. With this sudden return to my senses, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. In fact, I did close to nothing or more precisely nothing worth mentioning.

As I was trying to wake up late this afternoon, I sat outside on the front steps staring at the sky. For the first time in days it looked and felt like summer and it was enough for me. It wasn't a time for thinking or worrying. It wasn't a time for reflection. All that I wanted to do was just sit and let the warm breeze blow around me.


In eighteen days I'll be in Europe for the first time in my life and I can't wait. Even my coworkers are started to get excited for me. Then again I've been bringing guidebooks to work for close to two months now and I had hoped that sooner or later they would start to show some interest. No, that isn't fair to them, because most of them have been very helpful and supportive, if not slightly jealous. To be honest I'm surprised that they've put up with listening to me talk about it as much as I have these past few weeks.

As far as I can tell only two people in my department have been to Europe so in some ways I'm a trailblazer amongst the group. Looking a little closer to home, my brother and I will be the first to go within my immediate family.

More than once my dad has said that he doesn't have any desire to go to Europe and I found this to be odd. Here is a man who as a child traveled all across America with his parents and then when he was a father he took his children to the same places. One would think that he would want to keep expanding his circle of travel, but I guess not. Of course when we went to Quebec years ago he wasn't fond of the local people not wanting to speak English, so maybe the language barrier is a bigger issue for him than it is for my brother and me.

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