some time alone I made it outside earlier today for another bike ride and didn't feel nearly as exhausted this time when I got back home. Hopefully this will become a daily habit for me, because last year I didn't get out that often and I don't want to make this year a repeat. Besides the weather has been great. ... Early this afternoon while sitting outside in the heat of sun I finished reading Miss Wyoming by Douglas Coupland. The more of his stuff that I read, the more convinced I am that we think alike. For example there was a character who talked about himself and people in general who recreate themselves or become different versions of themselves as they age and I think that that is so true. Now I'm not talking about the old birth school work death formula either. What I mean is that people change their point of view and or focus in life as the years go by. Each change almost makes him or her a new person in some way. Without a doubt there have been very distinct versions of me and I am grateful that I am no longer the twenty-something version. Now for some people I think that this process is a very conscious choice, but I imagine that for others it just happens without them being aware of it. ... Wednesday, Friday, Sunday and Monday were all spent with her and I loved every moment of that time. It all felt so right, yet it also seems right to have some time by myself now to let everything that just happened to me sink in and become even more real. One of the biggest problems with my last girlfriend was that she never gave me any time to myself. She was with me all of the time and I truly felt smothered. People need their own time.