back to work I forgot to mention some of the other benefits of spending that much time by the pool the past three days. I now have more than a dingy tan and both my abs and upper body got a great workout from all of that swimming. I wasn't floating all of the time. Of course I have a long way to go if I want to catch up with my brother who I think works out on a daily basis. That boy has some definition and a reasonable amount of bulk. I still fall somewhere into the punk lean look. My brother also happens to be three shades darker than me in the tan department. ... Spending all of that time in the sun made going back to work and staying awake a little harder than usual last night, but I did it. When I walked into work tonight, the mood was even more strange. Both members of the second shift crew were completely silent and I had no idea why. Either they were angry with each other or they were simply bored. I couldn't tell, so I just waited until one of them spoke. It took fifteen minutes for that to happen and then the mood lightened ever so slowly. Finally I got some insight as to why they were being so quiet. Ann said that the weather must have been getting ready to change, because her head hurt. That was good enough for me since past experience has taught me that when she isn't feeling good she doesn't talk. As for the other member of the crew, he usually works off of whatever her mood might be for the night. It was an odd way to start the night.