some time away Last night at work was a real struggle for me. To be blunt I just got tired of listening to everyone complain about work and Ann got caught in the shockwave of my anger. Without a doubt she was surprised at my reaction. I apologized, but she seemed a little hurt. What I am trying to say is that I don't think that she can complain too much when she volunteers all of the time to work extra hours. She is making some serious amounts of money here and there. So hearing her complain was too much for me. Okay, now I need to back up and start the story at the beginning. Our boss had been away on vacation for the past two weeks and in his absence our deparment took some serious heat over some problem. Well, this got everyone talking and honestly I could have cared less it wasn't that important to me. To me a job should only affect me so much and I had reached my limit. What we do is only so important. We are not saving peoples lives. We are not doing leading edge research on genetics. We are not finding a cure for cancer. We are not creating works of art that will last for centuries. We move money for banks. Sigh. ... Nicole and I had a long and very serious talk last night. She is not happy with her life, but she is willing to endure it for the sake of her son. I'm not sure if that is the right decision for her or not. I can't say what she should do. All that I can do is listen and I do. Listening to her made any of my problems just fade away. After the discussion came some of our usual flirting which included me poking her hole. Ahem. Maybe I need to rephrase that last line. She had a hole in her jeans that she showed me and she asked if I could tell what color underwear she was wearing. I could. It was a shade of blue somewhere between teal and cornflower. I also knew that they were cotton. I asked if she was matched on top. She said that she wasn't, but quickly mentioned that she does have a number of cute sets. Then there was some more talk about her underwear, but I think that I'll stop here. ... Before I went to sleep this morning, I turned the central air back on. I did this for two reasons. One it was starting to get hot again and two my neighbor never shut hers off and I swear that all of her heat comes my way. Heat does rise after all. ... This has to be the first entry in over a week where I managed to write more than three paragraphs and I hope that that trend continues. There are things happening in my life, but some of it I have to keep to myself and other times I've just been too tired to write. Today however I knew that I had to write something. I mean the week started out so great with three solid days of lounging in the sun and was quickly replaced with the harsh reality of work and the annoying things that come with it. Since I have been so busy with work, there hasn't been much time to read and or think. About all that I have managed to read lately has been The New Yorker and some comic books. Starting a novel is also taking second place to the exam guide that I need to read for my next certification. ... Thankfully I have a three day weekend and I get to see Her on Monday.