cold front moving Between last night and this morning, I interacted with almost every woman that I know except the one that I want to see the most. The old movie gang from work got together last night and saw A.I. This was second time for me, but the other two people in the group hadn't seen it yet. I didn't mind since one of them paid for the movie and the other one paid for the dinner. It was a nice night out, but I would rather have spent time with Her. After I had dropped Ann off at home, I made my way to work to find that for the first time in weeks Nicole would be working back near me. It was good to see Nicole again, but she isn't the most important woman to me. Before I walked out the door this morning, Donna stopped by to say hello and socialize. I think that it was the first time in weeks that we had spoken. There was some mild kidding and some questions about a project that I have yet to start. Maybe all of this sounds really pathetic, but Monday will be the first time that I'll get to spend some time with Her and it can't get here soon enough. ... For the first time in weeks I was able to open the windows to my house. Being able to feel a breeze was something simple yet very enjoyable.