letting oneself go Weddings do strange things to people. No, what I mean to say is that alcohol does strange things to people. Once the reception is under way people start to lose their inhibitions and people do things that they normally would not do. Now mixing people from work and a wedding is even worse. Ann had been invited to a wedding today. The groom was someone from second shift at work and Ann wanted to go. What this means is that Ann spent a fair amount of time begging and whining at me Friday night. She asked if I would be willing to work her shift for her today and she would work mine. I said yes. I thought that I would be nice and let her have some time to just have fun. Well she had fun and there was alcohol involved. Of course I was in the middle of this trouble even though I didn't want to be. It seems that she didn't really tell her ex-husband when she would be back and he kept calling at work looking for her. Not only was he calling, but so was the father of her third child. Apparently she wasn't getting along with either one of them. She did however get along just fine with someone else at the wedding. Okay. So I am at work filling in for Ann after four hours of sleep and fielding calls from two different men looking for her. Sigh. I had no idea what she told them and I do not like lying for someone else. Eventually I had had enough and gave the ex-husband a phone number of where her date for the night lived. She was not happy that I had done this for him. Yes, one could call me dumb. One could call me evil, but Ann really put me on the spot and I did not appreciate it. Now maybe I am getting old or maybe I am much more conservative than other people, but I don't like to play games when it comes to people. I wanted Ann to have fun and she certainly did have fun. She had the kind of fun that will have people at the office talking on Monday. Ann kept saying that she wished that she had never gone. It was fun and wonderful for a small amount of time, but then it all turned sour. The thing is that is she is not alone in this kind of thinking. People sacrifice the general welfare of their lives all of the time for just one moment of pleasure. Some people do drugs. Some people have sex all of the time. Other people have their own flavor of vice. Now the question is what is too much? People say that they want to be married and faithful, yet people stray so often. Women say that they want a stable man, but they will always be attracted to the wild mysterious abusive men. That way they can blame the man when something goes wrong. I'm not blaming Ann. It is her life and she can do whatever she wants with it. I just don't want to be her alibi anymore. For a few hours Ann was able to escape the pressures of her daily life and be free, but when I left work she was wondering if it was worth it. Only she can answer that question. ... I think that Ann's age has something to do with her behavior. I think that she is still trying to have fun while she is young when at the same time she has so many responsibilities. So the more stressed she feels, the more she lets go when she can. Squeeze and release. I also know that this is why I refuse to date women under the age of twenty-five. I'm well past the party stage of my life and I would probably be very upset if my girlfriend got hammered at a wedding without me. Then again I'm just a dumb guy who doesn't get it. ... A year ago I received my season tickets for The Milwaukee Repertory Theater and they were in the mail today as well.