back to life

Most of the past day or so has been spent either sleeping or talking. Obviously I haven't been to work for the past two nights, but I'm going back tonight. Due to the death I have off for another two days and then my normal weekend, but I need to do something. Sitting here isn't doing me any good.

When I told work that I was ready to come back, they were mildly surprised, but they said that it was my decision.

I wish that I could say that I've had some profound thoughts on death these past two days, but I haven't. All that I know is that the world keeps going forward even though the person that caused me to be is no longer here.

Yesterday my parents and I spent most of the day talking about grandpa and how there are definitely parts of him that live on in both my dad and myself. For example, my grandpa was able to remember some of the most obscure pieces of information and so can I. My grandpa loved to collect and catalog things and so do I to a lesser degree. What I mean is that I only collect comic books, while he collected metal toy soldiers, trains, cars and stamps. His house was packed with his and my grandma's collections.

One might even say that they took it to an extreme, but it kept them happy.

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