crisp night air

When I walked outside to go to work last night, I could see my breath in the air and I thought that it was great. With a bright waning moon in the sky and leaves on the ground it was a perfect October night with a promise of a freeze in the air. The combination of those things made me remember how much I love autumn. Summer has its good points, but autumn always makes me feel more alive. Even though nature is in effect slowing down for the upcoming winter, I can't help but be excited by the change. To me there is more energy in the air and the night itself takes on a more sublime feel to it.


After having my usual Sunday morning breakfast with Ann I went to visit with my parents for the first time in over a month. They had been collecting cardboard boxes for me and I definitely needed them. In less than three weeks I'll be moving and I have to have everything ready. So far most of the time has been spent throwing things away rather than packing them. Now I can start doing the latter.

Just having the boxes makes the move seem more real to me. Soon a brand new chapter in my life is going to start and I can't wait.


The phrase that the media has coined, America strikes back, makes me smirk. Every time that they mention that phrase it makes me think of the film The Empire Strikes Back and that would make the United States the Empire fighting against the rebel forces. I imagine that that was probably not what they intended. The United States is supposed to be the good guy in this event.

I also thought that the speech writers for Bush were trying to invoke some of Winston Churchill with their use of simple declarative sentences, but I could be wrong. Then again Bush is not Churchill by any stretch of the imagination.

My sister being in the military herself was very excited by the news of the bombings. I on the other hand had more of a cautious response. I can understand the need to make a military statement of some sort, but I doubt that this will solve anything very quickly. I have a feeling that this kind of approach is going to linger for months.


Before I left for home, I got to watch my very first episode ever of Cowboy Bebop and I was impressed. The animation and storyline was the best that I had seen in a long time. After seeing just one episode I wish that I owned all of them.

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