goodbye five years

Talking with a coworker at work this morning, I realized that I'll be moving in three weeks. Personally I wish that it was sooner. From the journal I think that it has been fairly obvious that I have not been happy where I am now for at least a few months and would be willing to leave tomorrow if I could. I suppose that knowing that it will soon be over makes it more tolerable, but I doubt that I will miss where I am living now. I want to put all of that behind me.

I think it was anger that primarily kept me from writing the past few days. Everything that I would have written would either have been a rant or a stream of cursing. Neither of those seemed like good ideas to me, so I waited.

Wednesday if I remember correctly was spent arguing with my realtor and wishing that she would listen when I talk. Then that night at work was spent writing a paper and further pushed the journal down the list of things to do. Thursday was more calm, but I still couldn't find the energy to write anything. Then on Friday the realtor was ignoring me again. Sigh. Thankfully all of the anger was gone by Friday afternoon.

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