barely stay awake With the aftermath of my cross state journey still affecting my body, staying awake at work last night was more of a struggle than it has been in a long time. Somehow I made it through to the morning. However once I got home a power nap was the first thing on my schedule and everything else had to wait. Unfortunately after a mere three hours I was back out of the house and on my way to class. I must have still looked tired in class though, because the professor said that she thought that I was dozing off until I launched what she said was an inflammatory statement. Stepping back for a moment I guess that I can see her point. For most of the class I just sat back and listened to what my classmates had to say until I felt that it was my turn. To put it bluntly I thought that the film The Color Purple was awful and missed the point of the novel and I put a large amount of the blame on Spielberg. The man can not handle subtle emotions or do anything overly controversial. The man makes sentimental crowd pleasers and both Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan are no exceptions to this rule. Some woman in class couldn't understand my distinction between emotional and sentimental, but I was too tired to argue and just sat back and was silent for the rest of the class.