two more weeks Most of this morning was spent running from one bank to another, so once I was finally done with that project there wasn't any time leftover for packing. Sleep was more important to me and that is what I did at two this afternoon. Okay, now I need to start from the beginning so that the story will make more sense. When I left work I knew that I needed to turn in some paperwork to get a lower interest rate on my mortgage. Well, I stopped at one bank and asked for what I needed. What they gave me wasn't quite right so I drove to another branch of the same bank and tried again. This time rather than getting a somewhat indifferent veteran teller, I got someone brand new and slightly unsure of herself. More than once she had to ask the more experienced teller to her left what she needed to do. I didn't mind and yes my reasons are fairly shallow. The teller was so cute that I could have stood there for an hour while she struggled with various cryptic commands on their system. She was probably about my age and was dressed professionally but not too conservatively. The black blouse was sheer at the top and solid from the appropriate level downwards. She looked perfect in that outfit. A quick glance at her hand. No ring on her finger. Good sign. Why am I looking? I have someone or I hope that I still have someone. A few weeks back she thought that things needed to slow down and I understood. Now however I haven't heard from her in over a week. Yes, I know that she is busy, but I do start to wonder. Have things ended and I just don't know it? I guess what I am saying is that if She and I weren't at where we are now, I probably would have chatted more with the teller than I did. Well, anyway I was off to yet another bank with the needed paperwork and was told that I needed a signature on it from the person that gave it to me. Sigh. So I climbed back into the car and made my way back to the other bank with the cute and helpful teller. I walked into the bank, made eye contact with her and explained what I needed. Glancing down at her name on the paper I said thank you and she wished me luck. Yes, it was a small thing, but it was still nice to hear coming from her. Okay, let's review. So far I had been to three different banks and one of them twice in the space of an hour and a half. This wouldn't have been so bad except for the fact that all three of them are miles apart from one another. Then when I got back to bank number three for the second time, I thought that I was done and went home. I was wrong. There was a message on my machine. They needed one more set of papers for me. Thankfully the papers were at my house, so I was starting off from a good spot. After the bank game was done, I got another message saying that I now have a telephone number for my new place. That was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep wondering about the bank teller. ... I looked back at what I was doing a year ago and discovered that J Crew girl was still in my sights. Well, that went nowhere and I never saw or heard from her again after the spring semester ended. Now here I am a year later wondering about a bank teller. I don't think that bank teller girl is dumb, I think that she was just a little too new at the job, at least that is what she told me. I really need to get these hormones under control.