no ann around Not only did I not have to play the bank game today after work, I could think clearly for the first time in days. It was amazing. Being able to sleep for more than a three hour block of time is a wonderful thing and really does sharpen the mind. As I left work this morning, I took four more boxes with me. These copy paper boxes are the ideal size for books. Even though I won't be doing much of the moving, I do still want to keep the box weight at a reasonable level. ... For the first time in weeks if not months, Ann was not at work last night. She had decided to take both Friday and Saturday night off to go and see the same band that I had seen on Tuesday this week. At one time there was talk of her going with me on Tuesday, but that didn't happen. Although on Wednesday night she did say that she was a little disappointed that I hadn't asked her again before I left. Sigh. There was a good reason why I hadn't asked her. One reason being that I'm not sure what my somewhat distant at the moment girlfriend would have to say about Ann spending a night out on the town with me and seven hours on the road. Secondly Ann was having second thoughts about seeing the band on Friday. When I had first mentioned the band to Ann a few weeks ago, she was indifferent. Then the following night she was close to being obsessed with them. She had written an email to one of the male members of the band and he had written her back. Soon the two of them were conversing nightly online and by telephone. If it wasn't love, it certainly was infatuation on her part. She kept talking about his eyes. Well, somewhere along the way, he had said something that upset her and her somewhat unhealthy fixation on him was soured. It seems that as she put it his mind was in the gutter. She quickly corrected him and was surprised that he thought that she was interested in him that way. Sigh. She clearly does not understand men very well or at the very least her fantasy world collides violently with reality on a frequent basis. So for most of last week and this one she wasn't even sure if she was going to the concert anymore. Ann is lonely and she knows it. That isn't my problem, but it does still bother me and affect me in some ways. I hope that whatever she decided to do Friday, she had fun. ... I often wonder why it is that whenever I talk about some woman that I am seeing, I always sound like Angela from the television program called My So Called Life. Suddenly I start to channel the thought process of a fifteen year old girl and over analyze everything. Words and or the lack of them take on new hidden meanings and imply things that I would not have thought of at some other time. Emotional dominoes start to fall and I create various worst case scenarios in my mind. ... On the pop culture front, I had a pleasant surprise Wednesday night. The season premiere of Felicity used a song from Ryan Adam's album Gold. Now I have to wonder whether this will springboard the former frontman of the band Whiskeytown into greater success. ... Oddly enough rather than putting me to sleep the sound of rain woke me this afternoon and I took the new found free time to pack some more things.