the band wagon

Ann made a triumphant return this morning to work. If I couldn't tell by the tee shirt that she was wearing, I quickly learned from her that she went to the concert and had a good time. Knowing that she went made me happy for her. She needed to get away and she also discovered that the guy from the band was nicer than she had imagined.

As good as it was see her, I still left work earlier than I usually do on Sundays. I was tired and planned to make this a day where I would sleep for over twelve hours. I couldn't concentrate anymore on the paper that I needed to write for class on Tuesday and my mind kept wonderng about Her.

I know that she had in essence set me free a few weeks ago, but I thought that things would get better once she had her own place. Well, now that she has her own place I haven't heard from her at all. I seem to have slipped even further down her priority list or at least that is the way that I perceive it.

Part of me keeps saying that she must be busy, but one would think that a five minute phone call would still be possible.

Once again I have lost all faith in the concept of being with someone. It just doesn't make sense anymore to me. Besides I usually do better in life when it is just me and maybe that is the way that it should be and I let myself forget that fact. I almost regret letting myself start to think in terms of we again instead of just me. To put it another way, the older I get the more and more true the Matthew Sweet song Nothing Lasts becomes.

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