new order sang My plan to sleep away the day didn't happen. I had dozed off on the couch with the old Fred Astaire film The Band Wagon on television only to wake a few hours later under the heat of the sun. Once I was awake I started to pack some more boxes for the upcoming move and I impressed myself with the amount of progress that I made in just a few hours. Seeing the empty bookcases is odd, but brings me one step closer to where I want to be. ... The entry for yesterday was not nearly as bitter as it could have been. Still I don't think people realize how much effort I had put into being with her. I, too am a very busy person and don't have that much time to devote to someone else, but I tried. I really tried. Then when that connection is lost, it takes me even longer to go back where I was before everything happened. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe there is still something there. Then again her not returning my email and or telephone calls for over a week is probably not a good sign. One would think that she would at least give me her new phone number. I guess that I am something that got lost in the move. I don't know. ... Ann and I had fun discussing the concert. From what we had seen by ourselves, we determined what they probably do each time and mused that the patter is probably pretty standard stuff for them. She was also amazed at how insane the people went over the guitarist that she met. To her he was just a person and I could understand what she was saying. My friend Dan has talked about being transformed in concert and I would love to see the crowd react to him. What I mean is that I have known him for over a decade and saw him develop his music over the years. To me he is just someone that I hung out with in college.